Saturday, September 26, 2009

Temple Mount

Wednseday, we were able to head up early and go to one of the most wanted see sights we had around. We were able to go and see the Temple Mount. This is where the original temple stood, and where now the pagan Dome of the Rock stands today. Now they don't stand on the exact same location, but it still is on the same mount. Now some people do say that the Dome of the Rock does stand on the same rock of where Isaac was offered (the place made the holy of hollies), but seeing the facts it really wasn't. One of the most probable locations of the holy of holies true spot would most likely be at a nearby dome next to the Dome of the Rock, the dome of the spirits. It was a blessing, we actually went and did a little prayer at the dome, not for any significance of facts, but just because it was cool thinking of it being the old exact holy of holies. It was a fun time hanging out with the special force police officers, and hanging out with each other in Him. One thing too, look closely at the bottom right picture with Nick, and see if you can see something interesting in the marble slab of the Islamic Dome of the Rock.

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