Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bet Shean (biblical name, Beth Shan)

To start off of our Study Tour of Israel class, on Thursday, we went to Bet Shean. If you guys remember, this is the city that the Amelikites hung King Saul and his family on a wall in (1 Samuel 31). The city of Bet Shean has been a thriving rich city through the generations. It was continued to be inhabited in by civilizations, through the eras. It was very interesting to see how rich in architecture the city was. It had restrooms with a sranage sort of plumbing system in it, huge acoustic amplifying auditoriums, and even city drainage systems runnning under the streets of the town. The city was put to ruins not by man, but by an earthquake in the 700's AD. It was kind of cool though, because even though it turned into a Christian nation for some time, when God destroyed the city, He destroyed every idol temple and left not one of the pillars standing. Amazing to remember, our God is living and powerful. He is not someone we have to wake up and make move, He's a live and is working today.

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