Tuesday, September 15, 2009


After the Mt. of Beatitudes, we headed down a little further around the Galilea Sea to Capernaum. Really quick, one of the neat things about being here, is of course getting to learn some of the language. Kefar, which is also in this sense...caper, means town or village. Naum, is from the prophet Nahum, which means comfort. So , as you can see, Capernaum=town of comfort. In this old, city we see that Peter's, believed to be, mother-in -laws house. Now it's not the modern building you see in the picture, that's a catholic church that was built on top of it, Peter's mother-in -law's house is underneath it. The really cool thing we got to see there, was the synogogue, which you can see in the top right picture. On the bottom you can see the different color stones, they used on the original synogogue there in the time of Jesus. Which then later, they built on that very spot, the newer synogogue kind of standing today. In Mark chapters 1-3, we can see a lot of the events that took place in Capernaum. It was a real blessing being able to continue the discipleship class with Pastor Drew. He took to the side of the town and encouraged us by the see. Showing us the example Christ has set for us in all those things He did in Capernaum, showing us the example of having compassion on the poeple. As disciples, Matthew 10:24-25(our theme verse) which shows us it's enough for a slave to be like His master, we are to be like Him, and have the neccessity attribute of compassion in our lives. As His disciples we need to continue and show compassion, not with selfish motivivation, but always in love for His glory.

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