Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Not only do we get to minster at one Jinsoo Institute but TwO! On Wednsday afternoon's Mike leads up another English Bible Study class at the Jinsoo location in CheongJu. It was a sweet time of worshiping the Lord, studying the word, and trying with all our might to memorize Korean names. No doubt God is going to use these bible studies in an amazing way to reach the hundreds of students at the institute. On the right is a picture I couldn't resist to take, man Jinsoo sure goes out on their adverticement fliers, Mike looks all sweeto.


Anonymous said...

The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth. Psalm 145:18. Love you and will be praying for you guys. Mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey man like the blog keep postin'em up....i got nick nunez in the dorm underneath me in springlodge