Friday, October 2, 2009

Soup Kitchen

Week after week, the Lord has been rocking at the Soup Kitchen. It's been really cool, serving the people, and getting to know them more and more. In all we do, we have to continually shine His love. Even in the least of things, doing them in His name and for His glory, He will bless us. God continues to stretch and grow us in the soup kitchen by conversations, stepping out in worship, and continual servants to the people. We are continually by grace used as servants to show His love, and week by week, God continues to shine. No matter how small, or tiring one might get, be encouraged, serve the Lord in all things and continue to watch Him work. Are jobs are to be servants, nothing greater, nothing less. Even when we think it's hard, we can continue to remember what He's done, and remember what a priveledge it is to serve Him in what He calls us to do. God bless you guys=].

1 comment:

ina said...

they have a bigger building since when me and my fam got to help out over there with the Apples. (assuming that is CC Tel Aviv)