Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wensday Night Bible Study at Tanguk University

The Wednesday Night Bible Study has been going great. We first started off in the city at Pastor John's church, but since the vision for the bible study is to reach the University student we are now having the bible studies at the nearby University...Tanguk University. It's been a blessing the last two weeks, because had been able to join us and lead us in worship to the Lord. The students continue to grow in worshiping Him in spirit and in truth and continue to grow learning more about His word. It's really been cool seeing God show them that the word is available to them personally for studying and seeking the will of God in their lives. Please continue to pray for the study. Since we are in Genesis we are able to the facts about God's word and the beauty of our creator. With the students they are noticing that a lot of what their taught in school contradicts the bible, but it's been amazing seeing the Holy Spirit just move and answer questions sharing His love and allowing His children to leave with a deeper trust and faith in His word.

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