Sunday, April 26, 2009


ANd in 5 hours I will leave again...hee hee=]. Tommorrow I leave for a one day Visa trip to Osaka, Japan. I'll be there with a five hour layover, I guess you can say, then catch my return flight pray for a safe traveling day=]. It's already been almost 3 months so I need to leave the country to get a new visa stamp. God continues to do a wonderful work here in South Korea, please pray that God will continue to lead and give vision for the things He desires to do. Really hoping that in this short vacation God will just show His glory and allow clear vision to be seen on the upcoming events that we're planning and those that have not yet been revealed for the time being and for the future.


James said...
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James said...

I am james.
I glad to know your blog.
Did you come to Daejeon?
I am studying math.
That make me demanding.
I can see you after 2 weeks.
ah. I made my blog.
Can you visit my blog?^^