Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Kid's English Club

Sunday afternoons after the morning service at Calvary Chapel Cheoneon we usually split up to do English bible studies at two of the local churches. This week Rusty and Meagan were able to come along to Pastor Sam's church(one of the graduates from Korean School of Ministry). Meagan was able to teach the first service to the younger children reminding them how much love God has for them and will always have for them as a shepherd leaving 99 behind to find that one lost of his flock. She did a great job and the children were blessed. We also played Mr. Wolf Samurai style and had fun tagging the kids out by using foam padded swords. After Rusty was able to teach the youth group in a second servic e about humility through the example of John the Baptist. Rusty rocked it and it was a blessed time in the word. We also had a blessed time answering questions on the truth in the word afterwards with the kids in every youth an answer. Ofcoarse though since pastor Sam is a sword fighting teacher throughout the week, all profits go to support missionaries worldwide, we got mess around with the equipment. It was definitely fun and yes that coffee ice-cream was good, hope you enjoy the video.

1 comment:

T.C.J said...

Hey Brother. This is Temote from Oki. I finally got a hold of your blog . good to see you are rock-n-rolling over there in Korea.
We send our Love and Prayers.

Temote & Nozomi