Thursday, April 9, 2009

!Free Mondays!

Monday's have now become free days, so this last Monday we rested...=]...but also got some of the guys and gals together to head out to the Cherry Blossom festival at Chunam De Hakyo(the university we live next to). The only down part was that the festival was actually over but it wasn't a problem. We walked around checked out the flowers and then all of a sudden hoping to find some food we turn the corner and mmmmmm there it was. Even though the festival was over the stands were still out. We don't know if there usually there or not, since this is the 3rd largest University in South Korea , but it was still sweet nonetheless. We ended up getting some corn, munching on some flower filling bread, and ONLY starring at their steamed bugs. Afterwards we went to a noraebong and had some fun singing. Everyone had a great time and it's good to be able to see the students enjoying fellowship in Him more and more.

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