Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OUTREACH at the Park

Well first and foremost thank you to all you who were praying for the outreach this last Saturday, the Lord definitely answered. It was a beautiful night of witnessing and worshipping the Lord. Truly the Lord drew in His and brought them into His kingdom. All the worship teams were amazing and the Tommy Praise duo were definetely used by His spirit in message. Honestly I had some doubts of a good turn out without having sound equipment(due to park rules) but man the Holy Spirit is louder then any system. After a couple hours of going around we all seemed to just come together at the right time without even scheduling it to just sit at His feet with our new brothers and sister in the Lord and just worship Him. It was defintely a Spirit filled night. Thank You Lord for you work, grow your children strong as those trees planted by rivers of water. Continue Your work Abba father we ask in Jesus name-Amen

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