Sunday, April 5, 2009

Biblical Preaching at KSOM

At the Korean School of Ministry...KSOM...Mike is teaching a class on how to teach through the bible. It's more of a hands on class where the students study and are taught how to preach in an effective way but also have to preach and be graded themselves. Since the first portion of the class is finished its now project time. This last class Daniel, Cobb, and I were able to teach for the english preaching project side of the class. It was fun and we learned a lot from it. We have a couple more projects due by the end of the semester so we'll keep you posted. Keep us in prayer=].


George Sedota said...

Sosimo and Daniel, an encouragement from God's word...

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

Thanks for the updates!

クリステイーナ said...

So, are your "car salesman" preaching days gone? Lol!!!
I L-O-V-E you!!!

クリステイーナ said...

I hope panda left his "heretic" days behind too!!!
I L-O-V-E you boys... you make me laugh!!!

But, seriously keep preaching the Word in and out of season!! I am praying for you boys!!

I L-O-V-E you!!!