Thursday, January 20, 2011

John Wayne status



   Being in Japan with Pastor Tommy Ruiz for two years taught me a lot of how to be flexible and make use to do what God is calling you to do with what He gives you. There were many time when problems/issues would come up that had to be fixed. We didn’t always have the best materials to do everything “up to par”, but we did what we could. When we would use things that were…lets say not ideal to use to solve that certain problem, Pastor Tommy would title it “John Wayneing something” lol! Pastor Mike Chavez down in Dominical had title to this method yet, but definitely has been doing the same. Thursday afternoon, after seeing the more constant recent problem of dust coming into the Refuge (ministry of CC Dominical), Mike took the left over vegetable oil he had from the deep fryers at The Refuge and poured it all over the dusty newly redone street. The problem did get solved and I was able to give Mike the name to his method. It’s so cool to remember that problems aren’t really problems. In all reality we can trust that no matter what comes us, as God leads, He will provide us with whatever we need to complete His tasks. Just sometimes we need to be flexible open our eyes and see what He has even already provided to get what He wants to do done.

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