Friday, February 11, 2011

He has all things planned

Girls housing Insituto Biblico San Isidro

Well we've been praying for this for a while, and now God has answered our prayers. It's always so cool to remember how God is in control and how He has everything He wants to do already planned out in His timing. The house is about a 7 minute walk from our house and is very secure. It's in a middle class Costa Rican neighborhood and has an amazing breeze(very necessary here) coming in through both the front yard and back. The backyard is connected to a private technical school with a good size campus, so there is nothing blocking any wind current coming through. They will definitely be blessed, and it is going to be amazing seeing what other Eph3:20 things He has in store. Keep the house's furnishing and appliances in prayer, everything is very expensive here, but God has it already all planned out. Lord bless you guys, enjoy the video!


joi said...

wow guys! i teared up watching this! it is so beautiful and seeing this video makes costa rica seem so much more real! i love you all and cannot wait to get there!

Jessica said...

this house is so nice! How exciting!!

Jessica said...

This house is so nice!! How exciting!!