Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day out

Today was my first day here. I don't think I have fully come to the realization of it completely yet, but I'm sure it will come soon. Today was really cool, it was like one of those be still and know days. Not really having plans yet, it gave me the chance to just walk around and see. Let me speak about the food really quick too. I went to a place they call Burger Bar...mmmmm...cho oishi. It was really good, funny story about it too but I'll share later, then for dinner I was able to have a famous Israeli shwarma. It's really good, the hand in the picture makes it look kind of gross but it was good either way. I also got to go down to the old city, and look around a little bit through the Yaffa gate. The day has been an adventure filled with coffee and meeting new friends and recent old ones. I also got to learn a little Hebrew! He is always Good, all the time. Well untill the next post...Baruch Hashem.


Kalvin_Kim said...

so cooooooooooool !
hey bro , you should have to keep health . ^____^*
God bless you .

Come back to here in korea ~ hee hee .

Hwa Pyoung Kang said...


You are in Israel!!!
It must be amazing to see the sites in the Bible.

God bless you~~