Tomorrow marks a week exactly of the student’s arrival. In this last week we decided to give the students a relaxing week, and just let them get settled in. Costa Rica is a different atmosphere than most would expect. Most of the students expect it to be just like Mexico, but in honestly its really nothing like that.The Spanish a tad different, food is not a like, and the cultures are really not too similar. Our town is also thought to be a little country mountain town, and even though in a sense it is, its really not. I know its confusing but more so San Isidro is a fairly busy city with outskirt residential neighborhoods, all in the middle of a jungle mountain forest. So basically its more of a city than a bo-hunk mountain town, but still beautiful nonetheless. The students now being here have been able to experience all this greatness first hand. A couple of them looked a little overwhelmed and culture shocked last week when we picked them up, but now the students seem to have comfortably settled in. We have been taking them all over town; showing them our favorite places to eat, taking them traveling to some of the local fun spots, and also taking them to our city’s weekly ferria(farmer’s market). It has been an amazing fun filled week, but tomorrow the classes fully start. If you remember please keep both the students and staff in your prayers. We all got a lot of things still yet to be done, but we know by His grace He will finish it. In His mercy and love lies our hope